Ladies 5s
Sat 07 Jan 2017  ·  Division 5
Wycombe Ladies 4s
Maidenhead Hockey Club
Ladies 5s
The Futures Bright !

The Futures Bright !

Helen Todd10 Jan 2017 - 09:53
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Ladies 5's keeping positive throughout

We went out strong this week with a team of 15, right from the start our heads were switched on and we pushed hard to get the ball up.
We made some great passes, trying to move the ball up the wings, however Wycombe pushed back hard and got a short corner. This was defended well from our brilliant defenders this week, Lydia, Hayley, Jess D and Becky.
The ball was cleared but Wycombe managed to win another short, which they unfortunately scored bringing us to 1:0.
When they won a third short corner our defenders we determined not to let it in and cleared it well up the pitch.
We then drove forward, with some lovely passing between the mids and forwards. We were unable to find the goal and in the last minute Wycombe broke passed our defenders and scored their second goal, 2:0.

Our half time talk was a positive one; we were playing brilliantly together and just needed to carrying on work as hard as we were.
With this in mind we went into the second half determined to even the score. There was brilliant play up the wings; Hattie really showed her skill working round several players to move the ball up to the goal.
Tori sent a brilliant ball across the goal that unfortunately didn’t connect with anyone. But this only seemed to make us work harder. We were then awarded a short corner that, after Tori pushed in a great ball, Jess W tried her big hit but unfortunately it didn’t find the goal. However we were quickly awarded a second short corner, again pushed in by Tori but Jess D took a turn at the top of the D with a brilliant strike that rebounded of the keeper. Great effort from all the girls and a goal was really deserved; unfortunately we didn’t manage to find the back of the net and so ended the game 2:0 to Wycombe. It was noted by our supporters that we controlled the second half completely and how well we were all playing together

There were several candidates for MOM but it was awarded to a well deserved Becky who had just shown such calm and confidence on the ball, defending brilliantly for us as right back.

This was a great game this week and I was so pleased with everyone that played.

Emily TW had a brilliant game, making some great kicks to clear the ball from goal.
Sophie worked so hard and was all over the pitch.
Hayley was solid at the back, not letting anything through and clearing the ball out again and again.
Hattie worked so hard and showed such skill to get round a number of players in a row.
Emily and Lydia played very well on the left side, passing the ball up the line and supporting each other.
Jess D held her position well and defended well each ball that came through, and tried to move it out again to the wings.
Jess W worked very hard in the middle, running all over the pitch and using her big hit to move the ball into space.
TJ showed brilliant 3D skills in the first half tapping the ball round the player.
Catrin worked so hard in the half she played, and always seemed to find the right place to be to support the other players.
Annabel played with such cool and calm, driving the ball up the wings.
Erica showed great confidence on the ball and made some lovely passes out on the wing.

There are so many positives from today’s game we just need to make sure we are always talking to each other and just making sure we are in the right place upfront in the D.

Brilliant game girls.

Pippa Smith

Match details

Match date

Sat 07 Jan 2017



Meet time



Division 5

League position

Wycombe Ladies 4s
Maidenhead Ladies 5s
Team overview
Further reading